-3 by any measure is dangerously cold. Currently here in Missoula MT it is -15 and -30 wind chill.
40 minutes east in Garrison it is -27 and -41 wind chill.
We are ready for it as negative temps are common. But not this temp. It was -19 here last night with -35 WC.
Anyway, this Spring or summer beef up your insulation, yes? It will also keep your home cooler during that Missouri heat in Summer. Around the doors as well.
The coldest ever in your town, eh? Good luck my friend.
Thank you. That does sound very cold there. I'm doubtful that it's the coldest ever but that's what they are saying! We have been working on weather proofing but it's slow going with a house as old and big as ours! They also say wind gusts at 50 mph so something I am also worried about. No snow here yet, we will see of this storm is all they say it will be here.
Ms. Miles
-3 by any measure is dangerously cold. Currently here in Missoula MT it is -15 and -30 wind chill.
40 minutes east in Garrison it is -27 and -41 wind chill.
We are ready for it as negative temps are common. But not this temp. It was -19 here last night with -35 WC.
Anyway, this Spring or summer beef up your insulation, yes? It will also keep your home cooler during that Missouri heat in Summer. Around the doors as well.
The coldest ever in your town, eh? Good luck my friend.
Thank you. That does sound very cold there. I'm doubtful that it's the coldest ever but that's what they are saying! We have been working on weather proofing but it's slow going with a house as old and big as ours! They also say wind gusts at 50 mph so something I am also worried about. No snow here yet, we will see of this storm is all they say it will be here.