Why My Mother’s Day Involves A Goat
No Mimosa for me.
Published orginally in Melissa Miles McCarter on Medium
“What do you want to do for Mother’s Day?” is one of the most loaded questions you can ask. On the one hand, you want the one day you get the attention you deserve. On the other hand, you want to be left alone like you deserve, too.
There seem to be at least two trends for Mother’s Day in 2023. The Brunch and The Mother’s Day Out. Other than a Mimosa and a day without being talked to through the bathroom door, neither sounds that interesting.
Frankly, a regular day that involves no chores and no arguments between siblings is fine with me. Neither of which is likely.
On Mother’s Day, we plan to see my husband play a gig. He scheduled four gigs for his band (a part-time passion) this weekend.
“You have one on Mother’s Day!” I said.
“I thought you’d be happy about the extra money,” he said, looking confused, like I was giving him mixed messages.
I’m too tired and old to complain too much about this. Especially since we are closing at the end of the month on a house, so he’s right that extra cash is welcomed. But, frankly, it’s not ideal.
“You can come to see me play, and then I’ll take us out to dinner.”
So, tomorrow involves driving an hour away with my mother, my 22-year-old stepson, and my seven-year-old daughter. I would rather hang out at home, but you can’t always get what you want.
And speaking of wants, I’m getting a goat for the holiday.
“It’s a goat promissory note,” my husband and stepson joked since I’m not getting it until June. This week they are working on the new goat pen, plus finishing up the aviary.
The aviary is because the chicken coop is too small for the two turkeys we have in our flock.
“I think a larger space will make the Tom less aggressive,” I explained to them. He liked to protect the 7 Guinea Fowl, three chickens, and his mate, a female turkey.
“I’m glad he’s so protective, but he’s attacking our daughter now,” I said about my daughter. She was proud to tell others she has a stick for a defense that she uses to whack the Tom.
I digress. This is Mother’s Day on a hobby farm, where you get a pretty blue sundress and a promised goat for presents. I’ll wear the dress tomorrow and nag about fixing the fence for the goat at dinner.
Much better than time alone with a Mimosa, but not quite as good as lounging on the couch with my kids playing Minecraft together while beside me.
But at least there’s the goat to look forward to.