Returning to teaching after a decade, the classroom welcomed me—but with no chalkboards or whiteboards, just a large screen projecting my desktop. Only a few moments before, I had just said goodbye to my daughter, who was to go on a homeschool adventure with my husband.
The post-pandemic edition of teaching is a complex interplay of roles where my professional and personal lives intertwine.
As the semester ends, I find myself finally sharing these experiences, providing an update on the changes that have occurred. I waited until now, unsure how this first semester, teaching after over a decade, would turn out. It could have been a disaster. This delayed reflection also allowed me to have some time to ponder on the growth that has taken place amidst all the changes.
I learned that classroom challenges, amplified by the aftermath of the pandemic, demand adaptation. Mental health concerns among students have become a priority, leading me to assign mental health buddies and reflections on breaking free from perfectionism to my students. The writing classroom, where in the past I would solely focus on communication and critical thinking, is now a place to nurture holistic growth in students.
For me, juggling the demands of teaching and parenting is a whole bag of worms. My husband, a professor, now has parenting duties during my teaching hours. Their shared afternoons, filled with museum visits and park outings, are bittersweet for me. I love their growing bond, but I struggle with FOMO. I struggle to balance my time with my daughter and my fatigue from teaching. My mom guilt is real.
As I look forward to the next semester, there's ample time for reflection. I'm considering changes I can make in course structure and personal interactions. Strengthening my relationships with both my daughter and students is essential. I've learned this semester that I need intellectual stimulation, but I also need connection. On the horizon is also taking a graduate creative writing course and potentially teaching online writing courses.
In this post-pandemic era, finding balance is more than a juggling act; it's about integrating all parts of life. The fact that time is fleeting is a constant reminder to nurture the strongest possible bond with my daughter while also stimulating my mind.
Forgive me for this late update. It has given me some space and time to reflect on the recent challenges and those to come.